ONLINE Adult Oil Painting for Beginners
Meets ONLINE via ZOOM | Saturdays 2:30pm-4:30pm EST. Time
For Adult Students 18 +
FALL SCHEDULE | Sign Up Options
ONLINE | Full Class Course SEP 4-25 *4 WKS
ONLINE | Full Class Course OCT 2-23 *4 WKS
ONLINE | Full Class Course NOV 6-27 *4 WKS
ONLINE | Full Class Course DEC 4-18 *3 WKS
ONLINE | Single Day Sign Up/ Taster Options * Select date in drop down menu below
If oil painting is new to you- this class is designed for beginners! Through a two-hour live online class, you can learn the essentials & begin creating an original painting using personal subject matter- a picture or photo for inspiration. With support & guidance from a professional art instructor in the comfort of your own home, you will be taught the basics of this amazing art form- work with realism or abstract. Get step- by-step instruction how to use this exciting paint, learn a range of techniques, get professional tips as you learn this new art skill. Oil Painting is a longer process, the paint remains wet for longer, allowing you more time to manipulate your work. Your work may take days to dry. Over a full class course finish an oil painting on canvas to proudly hang in your own home.