How to Post Classes to | What’s happening in Ann Arbor / Detroit

How to Post Classes to

Instructions for Posting Classes to KidsOutAndAbout's Class Calendar:

First, log in to access your organization listing. If your computer doesn't remember your user ID, you can have it sent to your email address using the Forgot Password link on the login screen. If that still doesn't work, email us for help and we'll get you a new user account asap. (If you don't have a user account OR organization listing on, click here for instructions for starting from scratch: getting a User ID, creating an organization listing, and then posting to our calendars. It's all free!)

Next, post classes. When you're logged in, you'll see links from your My Account page to post events, classes, and camps. Or you can find that under the purple "For Organizations" button in the upper right-hand section of any KOAA page. Or you can use this handy shortcut to the form to post your class.

Tips for Posting Classes

1. The super-fast way: If you posted classes to our calendar last year and you are offering the same class series this year, you can edit those last year listings to include the new dates. While you're logged in, go to your main organization listing. You'll see an Activity History tab on top. Like in this example:


2. The fast way: Let's say you have many different types or levels of classes (for example, a ballet studio or a martial arts dojo). You can make ONE listing for the entire year, to make it quick and simple:

  • The title should be something generic, like "Karate Classes at Master Deb's."
  • The short description field should also be something fairly generic, e.g.,: We offer karate classes for age 4 through adult. Our dojo tends to emphasize building personal discipline and focus rather than athletic prowess, and you may also hear random comments about the importance of the Oxford Comma in written communication.
  • The long description can include information about each class and when it meets for the upcoming season. You can even paste in graphics.
  • On the "Who what where when how much" tab, make sure to click in the calendar every single day that classes may be offered. Skip days like Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year's. Then scroll down and click Save.

3. The slower way that gets your programs more visibility: Instead of entering just one listing for all of your classes, you can list your different classes separately. That way, the title of the classes may better pique our readers' interests, and they'll see in a quick class calendar scan the wide variety of options you may offer. That is: If you have 12 different classes in one week, our readers will get a sense of them faster if you list them individually. This, of course, takes more time to enter, but it can be quite useful if the titles of your classes are compelling and varied.

Suggestion: Right now, bookmark your My Account page, and your organization listing page. This helps you always to be where you need to be when posting activities to our calendars.

Another suggestion: We have lots of terrific, low-cost options to make your organization hyper-visible on; click here for our Local Advertising page, which contains a brief video to outline your options.

Would you like some additional help posting? Complete the form below, or click here for the form by itself: