Sample Image Ads on | What’s happening in Ann Arbor / Detroit

Sample Image Ads on has five types of image advertising for local audiences of parents and grandparents: Square (250px x 250px), Leaderboard (728px x 90px), Top Ad (450px x 150px), Summer Camp ad (728px x 90px), and Top 20 Page ads (728px x 90px). Please contact your local customer care representative for pricing. Please contact your local customer care representative for pricing. Sample ads are below.

Square Ads (250 x 250 pixels)

Square ads, located on the right-hand side on most pages, rotate randomly through the site. Pricing is $100 for every 10,000 impressions. Samples:



Leaderboard Ads, Summer Camp Main Page Image Ads, and Top 20 Page Image Ads (728 x 90 pixels)

Leaderboard ads are located at the top of each page. Space tends to be ordered exclusively. Pricing varies by regional territory (as we have different readership levels between the different regional sites). Summer Camp Ads appear on the main summer camp portal to searching by dates and subjects, and cost $600/year. Top 20 Page Ads appear on the annual page of the Top 20 Places to Take Kids in each area as voted by our readers; pricing is $1200/year. They are all the same dimensions, 728 x 90px. Samples:


Top Ads (450 x 150 pixels)

What we call "Top Ads"—because we are creative in many ways, but apparently not in naming ad space—appears in the top section of each KidsOutAndAbout page under the main menu. Pricing various by KOAA regional territory. Samples: